weblog: upcoming

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2016

Upcoming Pieces

  • Very much looking forward to my first piece in French, coming out in October in Revue XXI.
  • Coming out on October 6th in REPORTAGEN magazine: my portrait of a man whose name you will very often in the years to come. (Most of all when director Wim Wenders will present his next movie). It's the story of an epic technology battle placed at the World Economic forum. The story of a reporter who thought he'd found a way to save the future. Available in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
  • November will see my first publication in der SCHWEIZER MONAT, a Swiss journal focussing on essays and debate. Let's call it a little brother of the London Review of Books. My essay will be about the future.

Dienstag, 24. November 2015

my news

2016 Really proud to contribute to the hacking habitat catalogue. I will be amongst such wonderful thinkers like Saskia Sassen. The catalogue is published by NIA in the Netherlands. I contribute a little manifesto.

2015 December: New investigative report to come out in REPORTAGEN Magazine. Supported by Rudolf Augstein Stiftung. Thank You & Watch Out

2015 December: First cooperation with Swiss TV SRF and German TV NDR for a joint investigation

2015 November: Really proud to be part of the 400asa project Polder.

Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2014

Get Updates:


Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2009

Sachbuch Schweiz

Mit grosser Freude erfahre ich vom Berner Hep Verlag, aktiv vor allem im Schulbuch-Bereich, dass ein Beitrag von mir im Rahmen einer diesen Herbst erscheinenden Publikation über Fair Trade veröffentlicht werden soll.

Der Text erscheint im Kapitel "Kritische Stimmen"...



Aktuelle Beiträge

Mein Buch: Das Kapital...
Unsere Daten müssen uns gehören. Diese einfache Idee...
hannes1 - 11. Jul, 10:25
Gerald Loeb Award for...
Incredibly honored. Infos here.
hannes1 - 4. Jul, 16:37
Hannes Grassegger - Economist
Hannes Grassegger Photo: Felix Grisebach Twitter:...
hannes1 - 26. Jun, 20:29
3sat "Kulturzeit"
"Opa hat keine Lösung" – Meine Kritik des neuen Jaron...
hannes1 - 6. Jun, 15:15
Events 2018
Here is my schedule for 2018. I am just starting...
hannes1 - 5. Jun, 23:10
Neue Publikationen 2018
Juni: - Das Kapital bin ich. Kein & Aber Verlag....
hannes1 - 4. Mai, 15:34



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