Freitag, 1. September 2017

Conference at Kampnagel (Hamburg)

Kampnagel Grassegger

Kampnagel invited me to organize an event. So it became a conference on the influence of networked technology on democracy.

We are witnessing a revolutionary redistribution of power. Since the campaigns for Brexit, Donald Trump and later Emmanuel Macron, the public has become aware of how extensively social media tools like micro-targeting, bots and commercial surveillance are being used to gain political power. We ourselves have changed too. Fake news, meme-wars and conspiracy theories have shaken our belief in truth and facts; online hate speech has altered how we talk to each other.

11:00 AM

Short introduction and welcome by Hannes Grassegger and Lena Kollender ( Co-Curator International Summer Festival)

11:15 AM - 1:00 PM
PANEL: Disrupting Democracy

How does it work? Which are the foundations of digital exertion of influence? This panel will discuss techno-economic mechanisms that underlie the disruption of democracy. It will begin with an insight into the hidden data markets for personal data. through which information about citizens is increasingly flowing into the circulationCommercially available citizen information that has become of political the fundament to new opinion-forming processes. Then Antonio Garcia Martínez former advisor to Twitter and product manager for Facebook will show us how these mechanisms are used today.this data is being used to influence individuals. He has created Facebook’s ad-targeting system, which has become the decisive marketing mechanism for political campaigning. Paul Hilder, co-founder of Crowdpac, formerly vice president of and part of Bernie Sanders' campaigning-team for the US-presidential election in 2016 will show the democratic potentials of these developments.
WITH Richard Gutjahr (DE), Paul Hilder (UK), Antonio Garcia Martínez (US) MODERATION Hannes Grassegger (CH)

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

From Italy to Brexit – across Europe, digital political movements have recently been shaking the world of political parties. In this panel, Ulrike Guérot, leading visionary on the future of the European Union and professor for European politics and democracy research will discuss the strategies of Europe’s digital movements with experts from UK, Italy and Switzerland. Guardian reporter Carole Cadwalladr, who investigated the digital side of the Brexit campaign; Italian tech-journalist Fabio Chiusi (Espresso, WIRED) who has researched how the populist Italian MoVimento 5 Stelle pioneered digital campaigning, and Silvian Gisler, Co-Founder and Co-Managing Director of Operation Libero who challenged the leading populist party through a no-money grassroots Facebook campaign.
WITH Carole Cadwalladr (UK), Fabio Chiusi (IT), Silvan Gisler (CH) MODERATION Ulrike Guérot (DE)

5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

New technologies are radically transforming our idea of community – and subsequently statehood. How will future states look like? And how should they look like? Disaster researcher Malka Older, author of the highly acclaimed cyberpunk thrillers "Infomocracy" and “Null States” will discuss digital governance with Shoshana Zuboff. Since the early 1980s Zuboff’s career has been devoted to the study of the rise of the digital, its individual, organizational, and social consequences. She coined the term “commercial surveillance” and is now working on her book "Master or Slave? The Fight for the Soul of Our Information Civilization".

This final discussion about new forms of digitalized governance and its impact on the individual will be moderated by one of the world’s leading experts on cyber security Samir Saran, Vice President of the Observer Research Foundation in Delhi.

WITH Malka Older (US, via Skype), Shoshana Zuboff, PhD (US, via Skype) MODERATION Samir Saran, PhD (IN) CO-CHAIR Hannes Grassegger (CH)

The Team:

Concept: Hannes Grassegger in cooperation with Lena Kollender (Co-Curator International Summer Festival)

Stage Design: Johanna Landt
Stage Manager: Rados Vujaklija

There are videos of the sessions! Find them here:

ProPublica: Cooperating with Julia Angwin

Propublica Grassegger

So I had this trove of secret Facebook documents. Basically their rules of what you are allowed to see when on Facebook. My colleague Till Krause and me published two stories on the subject starting in late 2016. German law was changed through this. There is a clause now demanding transparency over the facebook censors' working conditions. It changed their job, and hopefully for the better.

But Facebook itself didn't seem to really listen to us writing in German, even if it came out in Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazine. So I reached out to Julia Angwin, one of the finest reporters in the digital space. We met in Zürich and on we went...

Here is the full report.

Some weeks after the publication something strange happened. Not only had Facebook started to publish lengthy explanations of their secret censorship rules, also they changed their laws. Black kids now get special protection from Facebook. Thanks to Julia, Stephen, Georg, and Christian – and thanks to those hundreds of thousands of readers pushing the story globally making it having an impact.

Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2017

SZ-Magazin: Revisiting Facebook's Censors



Revisiting Facebook. Our second piece on the secretive outsourced Facbook Censorship facility in Berlin. Out now via SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG MAGAZIN.

Here you find more about the first investigation.

UPDATE: Interview auf DEUTSCHLANDFUNK zu unserer Recherche.

Montag, 10. April 2017

French TV Interview: ARTE - Bits

HannesGrassegger ARTE TV 2017

Did Cyberpunk see the future of digital power? Awesome piece franco-german TV-Station ARTE did about our story on TRUMP, BREXIT and CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA. Click here

Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2017

English version of our piece on Cambridge Analytica and Donald Trump


Here is the link to the English version, published in Motherboard.

Update: great summary of the discussion which followed our report.


Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2016

Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin & Das Magazin

Inside Facebook Grassegger Krause

Our investigation of the secretive Facebook content moderation team in German's capital Berlin for Süddeutsche Zeitung. About the life and the sufferings of the people who try to keep the horrors away from the platform.

Inside Facebook Grassegger Krause

Bonus: here is a glimpse into the secret Facebook Policy. The law of the land for 1,8 Bio people.

Zusammenfassende deutsche Texte hier und hier.

The Full length german report can be found here with SZ and here with Das Magazin.

Follow Up Reporting: Le Monde (FR), Verge (USA), Netzpolitik, Heat Street, Mashable, VR-Zone, Digit (India), Daily Mail (UK), Gigazine (JP), 444 (HU), El Confidencial (ESLA), IHLN (BE), De Morgen (BE), Ticino Online (CH),

Samstag, 3. Dezember 2016

Das Magazin



Von Mikael Krogerus und Hannes Grassegger

Das Magazin N°48 – 3. Dezember 2016

Am 9. November gegen 8.30 Uhr erwacht Michal Kosinski in Zürich im Hotel Sunnehus. Der 34-jährige Forscher ist für einen Vortrag am Risikocenter der ETH angereist, zu einer Tagung über die Gefahren von Big Data und des sogenannten digitalen Umsturzes. Solche Vorträge hält Kosinski ständig, überall auf der Welt. Er ist ein führender Experte für Psychometrik, einen datengetriebenen Nebenzweig der Psychologie. Als er an diesem Morgen den Fernseher einschaltet, sieht er, dass die Bombe geplatzt ist: Entgegen den Hochrechnungen aller führenden Statistiker ist Donald J. Trump gewählt worden.

Lange betrachtet Kosinski Trumps Jubelfeier und die Wahlergebnisse der einzelnen Bundesstaaten. Er ahnt, dass das Ergebnis etwas mit seiner Forschung zu tun haben könnte. Dann atmet er tief durch und schaltet den Fernseher aus.

Am gleichen Tag versendet eine bis dahin kaum bekannte britische Firma mit Sitz in London eine Pressemitteilung: «Wir sind begeistert, dass unser revolutionärer Ansatz der datengetriebenen Kommunikation einen derart grundlegenden Beitrag zum Sieg für Donald Trump leistet»

HIER weiterlesen

Samstag, 17. September 2016

Facebook Interview in Das Magazin/ZEIT/Tagesspiegel



Über Crack, Zuckerberg und seltsame Rituale bei Facebook. Der Ex-Facebook Manager Antonio Garcia Martinez packt aus. Geschrieben für Das Magazin. Erhältlich via Tagesspiegel, ZEIT Online, Golem, 12App und Blendle.

Dieser Artikel hat rund 1,5 Millionen Interessierte erreicht. Vielen Dank an alle Leser!


PS: Blick hinter die Kulissen. So sehen beispielsweise bei Golem die Statistiken aus.


Sonntag, 12. Juni 2016

Poster! Nullzins Essay. Design by METAHAVEN


Disclaimer: This is my latest essay about the new era we are entering. It's about the NULLZINS – a radical novelty in capitalism: the Zero-Interest Rate. It's available as a limited A1-format poster in metallic print. Electrified and designed by METAHAVEN. Get the poster here!

News! Meinen neuesten Text gibt es als Poster.

Ein ökonomischer Essay, gestaltet von Think-Tank und Designagentur METAHAVEN, bekannt durch ihre Arbeiten mit Wikileaks, Theoretiker Benjamin Bratton (MIT Press) oder Musikerin Holly Herndon.

Worum es geht: Oft wird behauptet, wir seien dabei, in ein neues Zeitalter einzutreten.

In der Wirtschaft gibt es eine Zahl dafür: den Nullzins.
Seit 2008 beunruhigt das neuartige Phänomen die Finanzwelt. Was bedeutet es?

Mit dem Zins bemisst sich im Kapitalismus der Wert des Morgens. Der Zins ist das prophetische Auge des Kapitals. Jetzt ist es erblindet. Noch nie gab es Nullzinsen derart anhaltend. Eine neue Epoche der Spekulation hat begonnen. Gleichzeitig entsteht ein neues Kapital. Behaupte ich.

Meine Spekulation zum Nullzins ist das Prequel, der Vorspann, zu meinem geplanten Buch «100 Jahre Krieg».

Limitierte Auflage, auf Deutsch. Metallic-Print. A1-Format. Erschienen im Steuerparadies Liechtenstein. Das Poster gibt’s via

- June 27th: Italian translation is in the making.
- 30. Juni: Erste Diskussion dazu: 30.6.2016, Zürich



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