Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2018

Mein Buch: Das Kapital bin Ich

Das Kapital bin Ich

Unsere Daten müssen uns gehören. Diese einfache Idee ist der Schlüssel zu einer Welt, in der wir wieder Kontrolle haben über unser digitalisiertes Schicksal. In der wir selber Nutzen aus der mittlerweile wertvollsten Ressource ziehen können, und verhindern können, dass skrupellose Geschäfte mit unsren Daten gemacht werden, die unseren Frieden und die Freiheit bedrohen.

In der zweiten und überarbeiteten Auflage, jetzt wieder erhältlich, nachdem die erste Auflage lange nicht mehr lieferbar war. Hier beim Verlag kaufen...hier bei einem und hier bei amazon bestellen.

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2018

Gerald Loeb Award for Beat Reporting


Incredibly honored. Infos here.

Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2018

3sat "Kulturzeit"

Hannes Grassegger 3sat

"Opa hat keine Lösung" – Meine Kritik des neuen Jaron Lanier Buches "Zehn Gründe, warum du deine Social Media Accounts sofort löschen musst". Auf 3sat, in der Sendung Kulturzeit. Den ganzen Clip hier sehen.

Mittwoch, 18. April 2018

The Guardian & Das Magazin & Süddeutsche Zeitung


How Facebook interfers in democratic elections globally. German version in Das Magazin, Süddeutsche Zeitung & English version in The Guardian



International Journalism Festival 2018

Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-18 um 18.00.01

Moscow has been honing an information age art of war - through fake news, disinformation, leaks, and trolling - for more than a decade. How can free societies protect themselves? The panel will take as its staring point the November 2017 article published in New Republic entitled Weaken from Within by Hannes Grassegger. Con: Fabio Chiusi (journalist and author), Hannes Grassegger (journalist and economist), Andrei Soldatov (editor, Galina Timchenko (executive editor Meduza)

-> See the panel here

Dienstag, 20. März 2018

CNN Interview on Facebook & Cambridge Analytica

Hannes Grassegger CNN

Talking about Cambridge Analytica actually means discussing the business of personal data and the future of Social Media companies.

Background: in Dec 2016 me and my colleague Mikael Krogerus wrote a report for Swiss weekly DAS MAGAZIN about the company behind Donald Trump's digital campaign. (read here in German, English) This story went viral - got under heavy fire from sceptics – and helped start an international enquiry by Channel4 News, The Guardian, The New York Times. The result confirms our initial findings. Now a global debate is starting to shake the Valley. I think this debate should be about the fundaments of autonomy in the digital age. About who owns our data.

Watch it here.

Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018


Ethereum Grassegger Hannes

So I wrote this story how I bought some Ethereum cryptocurrency for the equivalent of 500 Swiss Franks. And how it felt when it turned into a little fortune.

The story appeared in DAS MAGAZIN, got translated into Estonian by GEENIUS, and then into Italian by INTERNAZIONALE. Subsequently, Italian tabloid QUOTIDIANO NAZIONALE picked up the story, made an interview with me, portraying me as a money-junkie. It was great fun!

Grassegger Hannes SRF ETHEREUM

Our local city TV TELEZÜRI invited me to a talkshow about cryptomoney. And Swiss National Television SRF featured me in their annual "End of the Year" 2017 report. Hier ist der LINK - auf Deutsch!

The Guardian / The Observer

Grassegger Guardian

Here is a link to the British version of our story on the theory and beginnings of Information Warfare.


Grassegger AlJazeera

Grassegger AlJazeera

Grassegger AlJazeera

Thank You AlJazeera for repeatedly making me part of your excellent discussions around Facebook censorship, the German regulation called Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz and online Hate Speech. Here is a link to one of the shows.

Donnerstag, 2. November 2017


Bildschirmfoto 2017-11-02 um 13.57.10

Here is our latest story in English - it's about the philosophy of information warfare. About things that started ten years ago in a small Eastern country and are happening right in the heart of the USA today...LINK


Freitag, 1. September 2017

Conference at Kampnagel (Hamburg)

Kampnagel Grassegger

Kampnagel invited me to organize an event. So it became a conference on the influence of networked technology on democracy.

We are witnessing a revolutionary redistribution of power. Since the campaigns for Brexit, Donald Trump and later Emmanuel Macron, the public has become aware of how extensively social media tools like micro-targeting, bots and commercial surveillance are being used to gain political power. We ourselves have changed too. Fake news, meme-wars and conspiracy theories have shaken our belief in truth and facts; online hate speech has altered how we talk to each other.

11:00 AM

Short introduction and welcome by Hannes Grassegger and Lena Kollender ( Co-Curator International Summer Festival)

11:15 AM - 1:00 PM
PANEL: Disrupting Democracy

How does it work? Which are the foundations of digital exertion of influence? This panel will discuss techno-economic mechanisms that underlie the disruption of democracy. It will begin with an insight into the hidden data markets for personal data. through which information about citizens is increasingly flowing into the circulationCommercially available citizen information that has become of political the fundament to new opinion-forming processes. Then Antonio Garcia Martínez former advisor to Twitter and product manager for Facebook will show us how these mechanisms are used today.this data is being used to influence individuals. He has created Facebook’s ad-targeting system, which has become the decisive marketing mechanism for political campaigning. Paul Hilder, co-founder of Crowdpac, formerly vice president of and part of Bernie Sanders' campaigning-team for the US-presidential election in 2016 will show the democratic potentials of these developments.
WITH Richard Gutjahr (DE), Paul Hilder (UK), Antonio Garcia Martínez (US) MODERATION Hannes Grassegger (CH)

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

From Italy to Brexit – across Europe, digital political movements have recently been shaking the world of political parties. In this panel, Ulrike Guérot, leading visionary on the future of the European Union and professor for European politics and democracy research will discuss the strategies of Europe’s digital movements with experts from UK, Italy and Switzerland. Guardian reporter Carole Cadwalladr, who investigated the digital side of the Brexit campaign; Italian tech-journalist Fabio Chiusi (Espresso, WIRED) who has researched how the populist Italian MoVimento 5 Stelle pioneered digital campaigning, and Silvian Gisler, Co-Founder and Co-Managing Director of Operation Libero who challenged the leading populist party through a no-money grassroots Facebook campaign.
WITH Carole Cadwalladr (UK), Fabio Chiusi (IT), Silvan Gisler (CH) MODERATION Ulrike Guérot (DE)

5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

New technologies are radically transforming our idea of community – and subsequently statehood. How will future states look like? And how should they look like? Disaster researcher Malka Older, author of the highly acclaimed cyberpunk thrillers "Infomocracy" and “Null States” will discuss digital governance with Shoshana Zuboff. Since the early 1980s Zuboff’s career has been devoted to the study of the rise of the digital, its individual, organizational, and social consequences. She coined the term “commercial surveillance” and is now working on her book "Master or Slave? The Fight for the Soul of Our Information Civilization".

This final discussion about new forms of digitalized governance and its impact on the individual will be moderated by one of the world’s leading experts on cyber security Samir Saran, Vice President of the Observer Research Foundation in Delhi.

WITH Malka Older (US, via Skype), Shoshana Zuboff, PhD (US, via Skype) MODERATION Samir Saran, PhD (IN) CO-CHAIR Hannes Grassegger (CH)

The Team:

Concept: Hannes Grassegger in cooperation with Lena Kollender (Co-Curator International Summer Festival)

Stage Design: Johanna Landt
Stage Manager: Rados Vujaklija

There are videos of the sessions! Find them here:

ProPublica: Cooperating with Julia Angwin

Propublica Grassegger

So I had this trove of secret Facebook documents. Basically their rules of what you are allowed to see when on Facebook. My colleague Till Krause and me published two stories on the subject starting in late 2016. German law was changed through this. There is a clause now demanding transparency over the facebook censors' working conditions. It changed their job, and hopefully for the better.

But Facebook itself didn't seem to really listen to us writing in German, even if it came out in Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazine. So I reached out to Julia Angwin, one of the finest reporters in the digital space. We met in Zürich and on we went...

Here is the full report.

Some weeks after the publication something strange happened. Not only had Facebook started to publish lengthy explanations of their secret censorship rules, also they changed their laws. Black kids now get special protection from Facebook. Thanks to Julia, Stephen, Georg, and Christian – and thanks to those hundreds of thousands of readers pushing the story globally making it having an impact.



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Incredibly honored. Infos here.
hannes1 - 4. Jul, 16:37
Hannes Grassegger - Economist
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hannes1 - 26. Jun, 20:29
3sat "Kulturzeit"
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Events 2018
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hannes1 - 5. Jun, 23:10
Neue Publikationen 2018
Juni: - Das Kapital bin ich. Kein & Aber Verlag....
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