Recap 2015

A big thank you to my readers for this outstanding year. And what I like most is when you come back to me asking for details, giving feedback and critique. (This one also goes out to all you lawyers chasing me for our report on the German UNICEF boss). Thank you too dear editors, co-authors and publishers who have worked with me in 2015! It's been the best year thus far. Here, I have compiled a short overview of my most recent pieces.

Berlin based magazine 032c (here) published the story of my trip to the British Virgin Islands, motherland of all shell companies, where Sir Richard Branson held a peculiar meeting on his island home. A kind-of conference on the future of money. Thanks to friends and Das MAGAZIN, I was able to get there (as the sole reporter). The report in 032c is in English and 032c did a great job translating it. German language GREENPEACE Magazine as well as NEON Magazine have published this story too – so here is a free version in German via NEON. Here it is in English, Russian and Brazilian via VICE. If you speak Italian: INTERNAZIONALE has translated and published the story, too. Here is a short interview with me about the background to this trip (german only).

Also I had the chance to work with a team of outstanding investigative reporters - actually two so-called investigative pools joint together - from Germany and Switzerland. We worked on a case concerning universities and so called Massive Open Online Courses. It's basically about how in the very near future your grades and exams might become worthless because there is a powerful enterprise that collects your educational data and can tell employers much more about how you really are. Our reports appeared in TV (ARD), online at Bayrischer Rundfunk, NDR, Swiss National Radio SRF (me speaking and here is my colleague science reporter Hanna Wick). Finally I made my first paper appearance in the wonderful Süddeutsche Zeitung. They even translated the piece into English.
2015 was my year of translations. Texts of mine came out in Italian, English, Serbian and Brazilian. Oh, and my report on financial revolutionary Vitalik Buterin of Ethereum was translated into Russian. Большое спасибо!, Grazie, Thank You, Obrigado, Хвала!
hannes1 - 18. Dez, 11:45